Wednesday, July 21, 2021 ›
›9:00 (1h)
Vehicle Embedded Systems Security - Guillaume Lussier
Guillaume Lussier, Renault, Toulouse
Cybersecurity is a very new domain for the automotive industry, but it is going very fast. With the revolution of the connected car, cyber is now becoming a critical path for all OEMs and certification is going faster than in any other industry domain previously. The UNECE has challenged the European can industry with strong standards for cybersecurity and they have to be achieved. How to respond to these challenges, from a process, architecture or tooling point of view is what we will try to brush in this presentation. A strong focus will be given to validation and testing, which we will see can be surprisingly lacking in the cyber field.
›10:00 (1h)
Overview of the Aircraft Security Process - Bertrand Leconte
Bertrand Leconte, Airbus Defense and Space
In this talk, we will present an outlook of some threats aircraft faces, we will look at what are the obligations and duties for an aircraft manufacturer. We will then show you the Airbus security development process, with a focus on security assurance and risk assessment. We will finish by presenting the security measures we can use to protect aircraft and the architecture principles we apply during design phase.
›11:30 (1h)
Overview of the Aircraft Security Process - Bertrand Leconte
Bertrand Leconte, Airbus Defense and Space
In this talk, we will present an outlook of some threats aircraft faces, we will look at what are the obligations and duties for an aircraft manufacturer. We will then show you the Airbus security development process, with a focus on security assurance and risk assessment. We will finish by presenting the security measures we can use to protect aircraft and the architecture principles we apply during design phase.
›14:00 (1h15)
Overview of the Aircraft Security Process - Bertrand Leconte
Bertrand Leconte, Airbus Defense and Space
In this talk, we will present an outlook of some threats aircraft faces, we will look at what are the obligations and duties for an aircraft manufacturer. We will then show you the Airbus security development process, with a focus on security assurance and risk assessment. We will finish by presenting the security measures we can use to protect aircraft and the architecture principles we apply during design phase.
›15:15 (1h15)
Sateliite Embedded Systems Security - Benoit Tranier
Benoit Tranier, Thalès Alenia Space
Since the 1960’s space has become a very important issue in many domains : Science, Observation, Weather forecast, Telecommunication, Navigation, Astronomy, etc. More than 2500 active satellites are currently orbiting around the Earth. All these satellites are operated from earth and requires constant attention in order for them to be able to fulfil their initial mission. Many satellites are part of critical infrastructures and must be protected from any threat that may jeopardises their capabilities or integrity. In a more and more interconnected world, space systems must be now security proven and resistant to any direct or indirect cyber-attacks. Even if space system security has always been an important issue, it has become a major issue even for civilian and commercial missions. Many measures has to be considered at many levels to guarantee the security, the safety and the availability of space systems. Over this short presentation the
›17:00 (1h)
Rump Session
This rump session is dedicated to very short presentations of 5mn maximum, by any person who attend this summer school, about any topic related to cybersecurity. This presentation may concern a PhD work, a short demonstration of a tool, the advertising of an event, or many other things, as far as it concerns cybersecurity. The persons who want to participate should apply before July 21st, 2pm
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