Monday, July 19, 2021 ›
›14:30 (45min)
Introduction to IoT Security - Marc Dacier
Marc Dacier, Institut Eurécom
In this talk, we will look at the various ways to define IoT systems and what the lessons of 20 years of network security research tell us about the security of emerging of Iot networks
›15:15 (45min)
Zeroconf protocols and their numerous MITM attacks - Marc Dacier
Marc Dacier, Institut Eurécom
In this talk, we do present the protocols falling under the umbrella of zeroconf protocols. We explain how pervasive they are and the fact that few people are conscious that they are using them. We also explain why they are so prone to a number of distinct so called man in the middle (MITM) attacks and what to do about that.
›16:30 (1h30)
Privacy-preserving mechanisms in wireless networks: the many challenges of address randomization - Matthieu Cunche
Matthieu Cunche, INSA Lyon, INRIA Grenoble Rhône Alpes
Wireless technologies such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi are integrated in devices that users are carrying all day long. Signals emitted by those devices contains pieces of information that allow the tracking of users in the physical world. To counter the corresponding privacy threats, device addresses included in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth frames can now by randomized. We will see that this measure alone is not enough to protect against tracking and that other elements of the network stack need to be considered when designing and implementing anti-tracking mechanisms.
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